Businesses must comply with changing and newly-emerging regulations and executive orders regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Required documentation and risk determinations must be prepared for every business under the new rule.

A Coronavirus Assessment and Protection Plan (CAPP) identifies risk mitigation measures, and assists in ensuring compliance with the latest rules and regulations. This helps businesses to protect their employees and customers by using the most current knowledge as the pandemic changes.

Businesses must analyze conditions, assess risk levels according to regulations, ensure compliance with regulations, and plan implementation strategies in order to fulfill the legal obligations outlined in the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) 16VAC25-220 and other rules. Failure to comply with the ETS requirements may result in employers being fined up to $13,494 for “serious” violations and up to $134,937 for “repeat” or “willful” violations.

Specific tasks include:

• Assess and categorize risk levels in the workplace based on level of contact among staff and the public, job tasks performed, and other factors.

• Evaluate systems, HVAC, equipment, and hardware existing at the workplace. Assess adherence to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1 and 62.2 requirements (Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air

• Assess methods and procedures used in the performance of tasks.

• Assess compliance with the latest statewide COVID regulations, including Emergency
Temporary Standards (ETS), Executive Orders, and other applicable regulations, such as CDC
and OSHA guidelines.

• Identify methods to assure compliance and reduce risks and hazards.

• Propose appropriate Engineering and Administrative controls to maintain adherence to

• Perform training (Zoom, video, powerpoint), including training required by the
ETS 16VAC25-220-80.

• Provide confidential CAPP report, including findings, conclusions, and recommendations, and a separate volume with necessary company documentation.

Structured assessment provides a tool for managing and adapting to the evolving nature of the pan-demic. Every employer, employee, and place of employment is subject to the requirements in the ETS 16VAC25-220 and other regulations.

The public health professionals at SEA include specialists with graduate degrees in public health, experience in municipal public health departments, and specialized and on-going training in COVID-19 case investigation and regulatory requirements.